Monday 18 April 2016

Task 1 - Game Story Development

Step 1 - Game environment:

  • There are several main contents.
  • It will include places like museums in London, France and Germany.
  • The story will begin in Cairo and finish in Germany. 
Living places for characters:
  • Main character - the main character will move from apartment to apartments as he stays in numerous places around the world. He has a house in England that's a small hideout with all items that he has collected from over the years.
  • Side kick - it is unknown where the side kick lives full time but we do know that when he is off adventuring with the main character that he will stay within the same apartments so they can plan out how to get the treasure.
  • The nerd - Her location is unknown, she works in an underground bunker in England and stays in contact with the main character as he figures out puzzles. She has backup bunkers placed all over England in case of any enemies finding out where she is situated, each bunker is fitted with explosives to get rid of any evidence.
  • Evil antagonist - He lives in a beach house in Spain and has multiple private properties all over the world. 
  • The investigator - She lives in England in a regular house which is cluttered with files on how to stop both the protagonist and antagonist. She will rent apartments abroad but work closely with the police HQ's.
  • Antagonists side kick - She lives in Germany to allow the business for the antagonist to grow and stay stable, the house she live sin isn't as big or flashy as the antagonist's. It is a regular house which is kept tidy.
Interesting landmarks:

Each landmark will connect and lead the protagonist to the final location.
  • St Paul's Cathedral - St Paul's cathedral is a huge landmark in London that could house many secrets for the player to explore. 
  • The Louvre - The Louvre is a Massive museum based in France with all historical items such as the Mona Lisa, Egyptian artifacts and a lot more.
  • Neuschwanstein castle - This is a great landscape to feature and where the game will finish, due to its humongous size and the history that surrounds it. It is based in Germany and one of Europe's biggest structures.
  • Great pyramid of Giza - This will be where the opening of the game will take place, it is a good place to begin with due to the pyramids having a great sense of mystery around them such as who built them? How were they built? What was the main ideas that surrounded them etc. It will have the player walking around as they explore within these tombs.
Step 2 - Characters:


  • Protagonist - The protagonist is a young man who is 24. He has brown hair and green eyes and a little tan on his skin. His dress style changes as he travels from area to area. His heights is around 5ft 11 and he has a medium build. He weighs 12 stone and has small tattoos that are on multiple places of his body.
  • Side kick - The side kick is an older man who is 32. He has blond hair and brown eyes and has isn't tanned but is not also pale. He likes to usually wear a white shirt, blue jeans and brown leather shoes giving him a formal look. On his left hand can be found a silver watch and on his back there is a tattoo. His height is 6ft and he has a medium build. He weighs 14 stone.
  • The nerd - She is a young girl who is 21, she has ginger hair and green eyes and is very pale. She wears pyjama pants and hoodies. She is 5ft 7 and weighs an unknown amount, she is of a skinny build and has no tattoos or piercings.
  • Evil antagonist - The villain is a man who is 35. He has blond hair and blue eyes and is tanned. He always wears a formal blue suit with a white shirt and black shoes. His height is 6ft 2 and he is of a medium to strong build. His weight is 16 stones and he has multiple tattoos over his body. O n his right hand a golden watch can be seen.
  • The investigator - She is a young woman who is 22. She has brown and blue eyes. Her skin type is neither tanned nor pale. She usually wears informal clothes to not get her cover blown. Her height is 5ft 9 and she has a skinny to medium build, her wight is 10.5 stone.
  • Antagonist side kick - She is a young female who is 28. She has red hair and brown eyes. Her skin is tanned and she always dresses quite formally. Her height is 5ft 8 and she is of a skinny build. She weighs 10 stone.
  • Protagonist - Samuel Parker was born in London to a family of low to middle class. His parents were happily married and he had an older sister. He was a young trouble maker who only listened to what his family said. He loved listening to stories told by his father about history and treasure hunting and always dreamed of becoming a man who would be involved in a story just like his fathers. His father was also a collector of historical items and his study was filled with items from all over the world and files about items in which he has either collected or wishes to collect. Many people would attempt to but these items but they were never sold which lead to some people being envious and livid towards the Parker's leading them to making many enemies. He was trained to fight by people on the streets and would get into a lot of booked gang fights to earn money, he was frequently caught up by the law and has a criminal record for stealing multiple items. In school he would only concentrate on history and Geography which he excelled at highly but all other subjects were failed by him, leaving him to get bullied for being a dunce. At the age of 18 his family was taken by a house fire after the kitchen exploded, the deaths were said to be caused by a gas leak. Parker learned to live with the loss after a few months and decided to carry on his father's legacy of collecting historical items as a way to hold onto the memories of his family, he was also given a box of his father's files which he kept a secret from Sam. In these files were items which his father had failed to gather and gave Sam a reason to take up the treasure hunting business. He met Jonathan when they were attempting to take the same item and after a heated debate and some time spent together in prison, they decided to work cooperatively.
  • Side kick - There is not much known about Johnathan's early life, there are no criminal records that can be found about him, no school information or anything. No one knows why this is but from what they do know about Johnny is that he is a great thief. He has stolen some of the greatest treasures from the most prestigious landmarks in the world. He has never mentioned his family life or shown to anyone the fact that he has any family, but it is rumoured that he was given up for adoption at the age of 5. After him and Sam started working together Johnny took on this protege roll, he taught Sam many different skills and learned quite a lot about history and treasures from Sam. The two both offered something the other one needed and the adventures they had together were beginning to shape up and become the stories that Samuel had loved to hear from his father as a child.
  • The nerd - There is hardly much known about Katie (no one even knows her last name) except for the fact she has a unhealthy obsession computers. She gained a degree in computing at the university of Oxford. After following the news of one of Sam and Johnny's heists she decided to track both of them down and offer her skills towards some of their heists. At first they thought it was a joke but after seeing some of her technology and skills they decided to recruit her.
  • Antagonist - Baxter Baldwin was born in Devon to a notoriously rich family, he was homeschooled and very educated in many subjects. His father was a business man running a company that sold oil, his hobbies involved collecting artefacts and displaying them proudly round the families mansion. Baxter grew up hardly spending time with his family, the main person in his life was his nanny and the objects that surrounded the house. These objects amazed him and he wanted to grow up collecting artefacts just like his father so he could showcase them in his house. He also became heavily interested in boxing from the age of 10 and onwards and was involved in professional tournaments, some of which he won. When Baxter got to the age of 23 he inherited his father's company after his father died from an illness that had plagued him for a few years. From the money Baxter earned from the company he would spend trying to excavate artefacts. Baxter continued to box in his spare time and would enter competitions still however, one fight led to him also being beaten to death. After he won one of the competitions a crime lord was not happy with how the outcome had turned out and decided to get his goons to jump Baxter. When Baxter awoke from being knocked out he was hung upside down with his nanny (who now worked as a maid for him) kneeling in the middle of a warehouse room. She was beaten and tortured in front of him by the crime lord who laughed as he did so. After she died Baxter was knocked unconscious again, he woke up in the middle of some fields with a note telling him not to get on the lord's bad side again. This event drove Baxter to insanity and after months of getting involved in the illegal business and plotting of his revenge he finally murdered the crime lord in the exact same method as how he murdered Baxter's maid except Baxter made the torture a lot longer and more painful. After this ordeal he took over the illegal gang and empire this crime boss had built to produce even more money. He used this money to hire a private army and stop anyone who attempted to cross his path.
Step 3 Story:

The story follows Sam parker and his band of misfits crew as they search for a lost treasure, a clue left by his father in one of his books leads Sam to the pyramids of Cairo where he explores and searches for clues towards the next whereabouts of the treasure. He must venture across the world to landmarks such as the louvre in France and Neuschwanstein castle in Germany as he attempts to uncover one of the biggest lost treasures known to man. He must go against Baxter Baldwin and avoid being captured by inspector Rowan as he fights for his life against all odds. Every step leads him towards his dreams and every step leads him towards a doom that even death and darkness would steer clear of.

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