Sunday 17 April 2016

Task 2 - Script and Narrative Development

"For many men, they look around them, they see the things in front of them and ask why? But you see I dream about things that never were and I asked why not?" - George Bernard Shaw

Every boy has dreamt of becoming like a man from the tales of which their father's told them, they would lie their at night fantasizing about what they would be and who they could be. Very few ever held onto these dreams, even fewer acted upon them. When I was growing up my father told me stories of immense action about those who lived every second of their lives one foot away from deaths doorway, he told me stories of legendary treasures which could only be obtained by traversing through treacherous lands and waters, he explained every gritty detail of what it was like to be a treasure hunter and every ecstatic feeling of holding a new artefact in the adventurers hands. I dreamed so highly of creating my own tale to tell, to bring home this story that I could explain with as much excitement in my eyes as there was in my father's. Every boy has dreamt, but not every man has acted. I did both.

As I wandered through the desert my only thoughts were centred around finding one of the greatest treasures known to man, it was so close to me. I could taste the sweetness of gold and riches lingering on my tongue, it was only a matter of moments away and I couldn't wait. The gigantic pyramid loomed over me, I felt like a I was an ant compared to this monumental structure. As I approached the entrance a cold shiver ran down my spine as I looked into the darkness, who knew what lay ahead inside this tomb of the ancients. I treaded carefully as I descended into the belly of this beast and kept my wits about me, I had only very recently escaped the maniacal clutches of Baxter and his two bit guards and I was not looking forward to encountering them while I explored these dimmed corridors for they would most likely make this my final resting place. I guess it would be a great honour to be asleep for the rest of my days down here with gods but I wasn't prepared to depart from this world, not just yet.

After wandering aimlessly for what felt like hours I arrived at the main tomb but what was bestowed upon my eyes was no treasure or riches, there were no artefacts, only dried out sand and an ominous sarcophagus that lay peacefully and glistening in the middle of the room. It had been untouched for thousands of years, decorated in gold and encrusted jewels. I was astonished at what lay before me, I couldn't believe my eyes. I had been promised this mountain of riches and artefacts and what lay before me was nothing but a singular sarcophagus. Of course nothing ever goes right the way you want to and just as I was about to examine this mystical case, I heard his voice grate through my ears and the world cut to black.

This is my storyboard.

Overview of the map
In this first image it shows the overhead of the outside of the cutscene, as you can see the three pyramids are at the back and labels have been placed to help understand how the images connect.

This is the underground layout, it shows the main hallways and stairs featured for the cutscene
 This is the final image and it is a overhead of the tomb area as I could not fit it onto the last image. I have labelled both images to show how they connect.

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